Let’s Get Back to Basics

Has your kitchen ever felt a little too chaotic when you were preparing a meal? Mixing bowls laying around everywhere on your countertops.  Unattractive metal baking pans that actually buckle or warp when you put them in the oven. Hard-to-clean glass casserole dishes that are challenging when it comes to...

Honoring International Women’s Day: My Temp-tations Journey

"International Women's Day is a day to reflect on and honor all the accomplishments women have made and continue to make daily. It's a day to be reminded that we can do anything we put our minds to, and together we can change the world." - Tara   How it...

My Life Changing Polar Plunge

How plunging yourself into 45 degrees might just change your life…. About 3 weeks ago on a phone call with a friend I pledged to make a donation to support the Special Olympics and it happened to be to support the Polar Bear Plunge... you know it, where you plunge...

10 Epic Big Game Party Food Ideas

There is just something about the biggest football game of the year, the main event… (wink, wink) you know what game I’m talking about... that makes me want to host an epic party for my family and friends. I love thinking of creative, new, super football party food ideas that...